Every company has their own kpi (key performance indicators) also called metrics. These are stats where the companies can see how they are measuring their ongoing performances. Facebook’s top metrics is engagement: how many users are liking, sharing and commenting on each others posts. Airbnb’s key metrics is nights booked: how many users are booking every night. Spotify’s kpi is retention: how long are people staying on their app and listening to music.

We have our own metrics and one of the most important numbers that we have decided upon from the very first day of business is our “Buy a meal, give a meal” metrics. We wanted to bake social responsibility into our culture from the start. We pledge to provide a meal to a child in need whenever someone purchases a meal from us.

Ofcourse this idea has been around before us, from the OLPC project, Toms shoes, and Warby Parker. To these companies, we send our sincere respect, and we pledge to follow in their giant footsteps.
It’s been one week since we silently opened our door to the public and we are very happy to report that we will be able to support one week amount of meal to one child in need. This is a very small amount that we have achieved but it’s only the start. We dream big and hope one day to be able to feed thousands of children. We will share our meal to the children of Rohingya refugees through World Food Programme. https://www.facebook.com/WFPBerlin
At the end of everyday, we look forward opening our small “Buy a meal, give a meal” box. How many meals were we able to provide from our small venture.
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